damn good creative
for business growth.

We blend sharp strategies with creative excellence to drive change and give future-facing brands the unfair advantage.

Evolution Latvia
Do Your Thing

For young people it is important to have a healthy work-life balance. After the shift they have interesting lives full of adventures, dreams, personal and professional goals, that might not start and end with EVO.

And we Love that!

Instead of pushing them to become the biggest Evolution brand ambassadors we encourage people to follow their dreams first - our message is bigger than just you working at EVO. It’s about you working on your dreams while you work at EVO and no matter what exactly is your thing - competitive salary, flexible schedule and modern work environment will help.

Creative director: Tomass Piternieks
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Creative & Art: Nikola Nefyodova
Design: Linda Ose
Copywriting: Dāvids Grasmanis
Account management: Evija Bērziņa
Production: Emīls Ozoliņš
Photography: Ģirts Raģelis
Make-Up: Dārta Ašmane

Vision Express
Tuvumā tālumā

Leveraging the power of music and nostalgia, we brought back a beloved Latvian superhit from the 2000s - "Tuvumā Tālumā" by A-Eiropa - to showcase the superior eyewear services offered by Vision Express.

With the perfetcly matching lyrics of the well-known Latvian superhit, we not only successfully hooked in our audience but also highlighted that no matter what kind of vision needs you have - whether it's near or far - Vision Express has got you covered.

Creative: Janis Berkis , Juris Štrāls
Strategy: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Katrina Kalnina
Account manager: Nadīna Rutka
Production: FILM NAKED
Director: Gustavs Kibilds
DOP: Emīls Ozoliņš
Photography: Miks Uzans Photography

ERST Finance
Pavelk, nevis pavelkas

ERST Finance, a business financing company, fearlessly embraces its bold nature, determined to shine brightly amidst its peers. Our journey is marked by a compelling slogan that characterizes ERST Finance as an indomitable force capable of conquering the unimaginable, surpassing all limits, and fearlessly pursuing challenges that others dare not touch. Erst is the one showing the direction, not the other way around. He pulls, he isn't being pulled.

In the business arena, ERST Finance stands as a paragon of excellence — a superhuman presence consistently achieving perfection through unexpected, somewhat absurd situations. Erst Finance is the formidable energy you'd want behind your business—a resolute, audacious force that gets things done.

Creative: Katrina Kalnina, Janis Berkis
Strategy: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Rihards Otto
Account manager: Nadīna Rutka, Evija Bērziņa
Production: FILM NAKED
Director: Arturs Zeps
DOP: Davids Smiltins
Photography: Martins Cirulis

Financial Intelligence Unit
Easy Money

What do you do when almost 60% of Latvian population do not believe that tax evasion, corruption, money laundering and smuggling of excise goods have a negative impact on public welfare and quality of life? And to make it all even more challenging you add a fact that most of the people in Latvia have no clue what the Financial Intelligence Service does?

Let's show people the ugly truth from where the dirty money comes from in the first place! And believe it or not - it's actually from even dirtier things like human trafficing, drugs, terrorism, corruption and frauds. The Financial Intelligence Service reminds - laundered money always hides an dirtier bigger crime. And they're here to fight it.

Find out more vieglanauda.lv

Creative Director: Tomass Piternieks, Jānis Berķis
Strategy Director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Linda Ose
Copywriter: Dāvids Grasmanis
Account director: Nadīna Rutka
PR: Deep White
Production: Emīls Ozoliņš
Web: Goodtimes

Labklājības ministrija
Iekāp Otra Kurpēs

Exploring the Important Topic of Deinstitutionalization: Deinstitutionalization is all about shifting the care for people with mental illnesses or disabilities from big institutions to local community services, with the goal of promoting independence and reducing institutionalization.

Our mission was to highlight the importance of accepting others and fostering an open-minded society. We used straightforward tools, a clear message, and inviting visuals to help people understand the significance of the message without being intimidated by the word 'Deinstitutionalization.' We invited others to 'Step into someone else's shoes' and see how different a world may appear.

Each one of us is unique, and the only way to truly connect is by stepping into someone else's shoes. Kids with functional impairments, individuals with intellectual disabilities, and abandoned children without parental care all seek understanding and acceptance – just like you. Step into others' shoes."

Creative direction: Katrīna Kalniņa
Account direction: Nadīna Rutka
Art direction: Linda Ose, Elīna Rudzutaka
PR: Deep White
Production: FILM NAKED

Discover the new VW ID.3

Experience the excitement of the new VW ID.3, a dynamic electric car designed to elevate urban living. This video takes you on a tour through the Baltic states of Riga, Tallinn, and Vilnius, showcasing the ID.3's compact size, sleek design, flexibility, and agility. Explore how the ID.3 seamlessly integrates into city life becoming a beautiful embodiment of comfort and style.

Creative: Katrīna Kalniņa
Account manager: Ieva Rudzīte
Production: Emīls Ozoliņš
Photography: Pēteris Vīksna

Lidl Latvia
Cook-Off 2023

Lidl brand ambassadors participated in a fierce competition, reminiscent of Hell's Kitchen, to showcase their grilling skills and vie for the coveted title of Grill Champion. The competition was widely promoted on social media and garnered significant attention from fans and foodies alike.

Ultimately, Lidl's Grill Championship provided a fun and engaging way to showcase the brand's commitment to quality and celebrate the art of grilling together with our beloved brand ambassadors.

Creative direction: Tomass Piternieks
Strategy direction: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Elīna Rudzutaka
Copywriting: Dāvids Grasmanis
Account manager: Evija Bērziņa
Production: Emīls Ozoliņš
Director: Tomass Piternieks

iD Buzz

The arrival of the new and eye-catching ID.Buzz signifies a special moment as we celebrate its presence in the Baltic states with an eye-catching video. Our mission was to capture its beauty in all three countries, aiming to leave an impeccable impression on every car lover out there.

Creative: Katrīna Kalniņa, Tomass Piternieks
Strategy: Raimonds Grasmanis
Account manager: Elīza Brikmane
Production: ColorTime

Super VIVA
Spoil Your Tongue

Because of the fact that SuperVIVA ice-cream has experienced significant sales decline in recent years, SuperVIVA wanted to increase brand peneteration across all ice-cream users across Baltic states.

Problem is that some people think that SuperVIVA looks too synthetic. And some even say it’s too big and too colourful. Well - the ugly truth is that those all are presumptions that are made by individuals brain from just looking at Super Viva ice-cream.

Yes it’s true that eyes are the organ giving impulse to your brain who only then determines if the image you have seen is tasteful enough to make your mouth water.

But what if we could flip the script and encourage people to trust the organ that is responsible not for observing the ice-cream, but for tasting it. So let’s allow tongue to have a say in what flavours and brands of ice-creams we eat. Introducing - Spoil your tongue. The campaign that shows people what ice-cream is really about.

Creative director: Jānis Berķis
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Linda Ose
Account director: Nadīna Rutka
Production: FILM NAKED
Director: Papa Chi

Evolution Latvia
Evolution Stage

Evolution, the biggest multinational B2B innovator and creator of online gaming products and software in Latvia, constantly needs new employees - young people who can fill vacancies of game presenters, shufflers and game hosts.

How to convince huge numbers of Gen-Zers to apply for a job at Evolution? Evolution Stage is a platform that builds a culture around the Evolution brand that is relevant to Gen-Z audience and speaks for the brand values in a likeable way.

Just like Evolution can be a stepping stone for a career, Evolution Stage is a chance for young artists to prove they've got what it takes to make it and experience their first gig on the big stage.

The central element of the campaign - DJ Battle at the busiest nightlife hot-spot in Riga was reinforced with performance-first solutions, content created by EVO Stage ambassador influencers and even untraditional channels like Spotify playlists.

Creative director: Tomass Piternieks
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Linda Ose
Copywriter: Juris Štrāls
Account direction: Evija Bērziņa, Sanda Vīksniņa
Event planning: Evija Bērziņa
Production: Emīls Ozoliņš

Level-up Latvia

In order to encourage Latvian society to become more digital and to promote interest in e-services developed by the state, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development created a large-scale campaign “Level-up Latvia.

Just like in video games, when the player reaches the next level, more opportunities open up for him and the course of the game becomes easier, the digital solutions offered by LATVIJA.LV and MANA.LATVIJA.LV also allow people to level-up by solving everyday problems faster and easier than using the face-to-face alternatives.

The campaign was based on animated videos that provided simple and easy-to-understand education about e-services and digital solutions developed by the state, encouraging the public to solve issues related to the state institutions digitally.

Creative director: Jānis Berķis
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Rihards Otto, Linda Ose
Copywriter: Juris Štrāls
Account director: Nadīna Rutka
Production: FILM NAKED
Director: Kaspars Murelis

Plants are the new pets

Sleepy-Plants is 100% natural plant food that helps plants conserve energy and repair themselves between growing cycles. So how do we position Sleepy Plants as the best nutrition product for letting your green buddy go to winter sleep?

The ugly truth is simple - In a way plants are very similar to pets. If you treat your plants accordingly, they blossom and make your life much brighter. If you treat them bad - they will suffer until they just die.

So let's encourage people to treat their plants just like they would treat their pets, by saying: Plants are the new pets - treat them accordingly. And let's go to Germany & beyond.

Creative direction: Tomass Piternieks
Strategy direction: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Linda Ose
Copywriting: Juris Štrāls
Account manager: Evija Bērziņa
Production: Jānis Upmalis
Director: Tomass Piternieks
Photography: Anda Upmale

Yet another successful communication

E-address is a safe, easy to use and efficient way to communicate with more than 3400 government institutions at any time from any place.

However, in spite of the fact that an e-address will be mandatory for all companies from 2023, and this solution could greatly facilitate the communication of legal entities with state institutions, entrepreneurs applied for this solution lazily. In order to encourage legal entities to apply for an e-address, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development created the campaign “Yet another successful communication", in which everything that entrepreneurs need to know about an e-address was told in an educational and entertaining way.

The central element of the campaign was 12 different videos with the well-known Nauris Brikmanis, in which, with 5-step retargeting tactics, step by step, entrepreneurs could learn about the e-address, its benefits and the fact that from 2023 it will be mandatory for all companies.

Creative director: Jānis Berķis
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Linda Ose
Copywriter: Juris Štrāls
Account director: Nadīna Rutka
Production: FILM NAKED
Producer: Nadīna Rutka
DOP: Ivo Skrastiņš

Lidl Latvia
O-Lidlic Games

Summer is a time when young people can enjoy carefreeness and forget a little about their responsibilities. However, youth in their free time from school would be an excellent workforce for the retailer Lidl.

To get these young people to willingly change their summer activities to a relatively boring job in a supermarket, the "O-Lidlic games" campaign was created. In order to achieve the best results, influencers were mapped based on their audience quality and brand compatibility.

Most suitable influencers then competed in various challenges designed to show the everyday tasks of a store employee in a fun and interesting way for young audience.

Creative director: Tomass Piternieks
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Elīna Rudzutaka
Copywriter: Juris Štrāls
Account director: Evija Bērziņa
Production: Emīls Ozoliņš

Valsts policija
Domā sarunāt?

With an insightful understanding that most people's first instinct is to think of ways to get out of a police stop, the campaign's slogan "Thinking of asking? Road corruption is a criminal offence" aimed to send a clear message to the public that attempting to bribe a police officer is not only unacceptable but also illegal.

The campaign's powerful message sought to remind drivers that trying to bribe their way out of a traffic violation could land them in jail, reinforcing the importance of honesty and upholding the law. By raising awareness of the criminality of road corruption, the campaign aimed to discourage this unlawful behavior and promote a safer and more ethical driving culture across Latvia.

Through this impactful campaign, the Latvian Police demonstrated their commitment to fighting road corruption and promoting a society built on trust, integrity, and respect for the law.

Creative director: Tomass Piternieks, Jānis Berķis
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Elīna Rudzutaka
Account manager: Nadīna Rutka
PR: MRS Grupa

Datu valsts inspekcija
Tavi dati - tava drošība

How can the Data State Inspectorate promote public awareness of private data security and the right to privacy on the Internet? Answer is quite simple. By highlighting the fact that we ourselves are mostly responsible for the security of our data and its transfer to third parties.

The ugly truth is very simple - the security "house" we build for ourselves, will also be the “house” we will live in. Similar to the children's fairy tale "Three Little Pigs and the Wolf" - the more orderly the data security "house" is built, the harder it is for the evil "wolf" to break into it.

Introducing “Your data - Your security” - a series of animated videos in which the main characters - three piglet brothers - Nav navs, Maz mazs and Prof profs try to take care of their private data security in their own way, inviting people to build their private data security "house" more neatly.

Creative director: Jānis Berķis
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Linda Ose
Copywriter: Tomass Piternieks
Account director: Nadīna Rutka
Production: FILM NAKED
Director: Jānis Berķis

Evolution Latvia
Veronika celebrates her millionth game at Evolution

Evolution, the largest multinational B2B innovator and creator of online gaming products and software in Latvia, is constantly on the lookout for talented and dynamic young people to join their team. As the demand for their services continues to grow, Evolution is in need of game presenters, shufflers, and game hosts to fill various vacancies.

To showcase the exciting opportunities available at Evolution and highlight the achievements of their hardworking employees, we launched a heartwarming campaign that celebrated the success of one of their top game presenters, Veronika. With over a million games under her belt, Veronika has proven to be a valuable asset to the company, and the campaign aimed to recognize her dedication and contributions to Evolution's success.

The campaign featured a touching video that captured the moment when Veronika was surprised with a celebration of her millionth game at Evolution. By shining a spotlight on Veronika's achievements, Evolution aimed to inspire other young people to pursue careers in the exciting world of online gaming.

Through this innovative and heartfelt campaign, Evolution demonstrated their commitment to their employees and showcased the dynamic and rewarding opportunities available within the company.

Creative director: Tomass Piternieks
Strategy director: Raimonds Grasmanis
Art direction: Linda Ose
Copywriter: Juris Štrāls
Account direction: Evija Bērziņa
Production: Penthaus
Director: Gustavs Ķibilds
DOP: Emīls Ozoliņš

Georgian Wine
Taste the masterpeace of Georgia

There are two types of people - the ones who believe that winemaking is a science. And the ones who are confident that winemaking is a form of art.

The ability to gather the whole nation’s mentality, culture, and history in one bottle should also be called art. And that positons Georgian wine as an undiscovered art-piece that reveals itself to a new audience in Baltics.

Phrase - “to paint a picture” is often used by people when describing specific events or stories that need to transfer someone to a specific place and time. So let’s paint the masterpiece of Georgia.

Let’s paint the emotions, culture, vineyards, people, and landscapes, but let’s do it in more fun and eyecatching way.

Creative director: Jānis Berķis
Copywriting: Juris Štrāls
Account direction: Nadīna Rutka
Production: FILM NAKED
Director: Reinis Spaile

Who does it?
Raimonds Grasmanis
CEO, Head of Strategy, Partner
Jānis Berķis
Head of Creative, Partner
Nadīna Berķe
Account Director, Partner
Rihards Otto
Art Director, Partner
Tomass Piternieks
Creative Director
Katrīna Kalniņa
Creative Director
Sanda Vīksniņa
Account Manager
Ieva Melnbārde
Account Manager
Elīza Brikmane
Account manager
Linda Ose
Elīna Rudzutaka
Dāvids Grasmanis
Juris Štrāls
Stefans Dimza
Web designer
Dārta Sūna
Office Administrator

Dingo&Schwarz is a creatively effective full-service ad agency.

We live to drive change and fuel brands with the competitive edge they need to thrive in today’s fast-paced world across all channels out there - be it traditional ads, social, digital, outdoors, influencers, you name it.

And with the power of the mixd.group behind us, we’re in a better place than ever to deliver the power of difference across the entire globe.

We believe advertising isn’t an art - it’s a business. So we think twice before we pitch our record-breaking campaigns, ideas that spread like wild fire and design that transforms businesses.

There are no challenges too big or small for us. Just get ready for one thing - we kick-off by confronting the ugly truth. Because if we can't be honest about the tough stuff and make it right, what the hell we’re even doing here.

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